Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Change, Do You Want It Or Do You Need It | Davenjilli

Change, Do You Want It Or Do You Need It | Davenjilli

Change happens when the pain of holding on is greater than the fear of letting go ~ Jonathan Spencer

from a post on FaceBook
This reminds me of a story I read many years ago called the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah. The first pages of the book are printed in handwriting rather than in typeset and tell the story of a rock creature that lives in a stream.  This creature really wants to know what is beyond the curve in the river that is as far as they can see while they cling to the rock. All of his “friends” tell him to hang on, but one day he lets go…you really need to read this book to see what happens to the rock creature.
Though I place my faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, this book has had a huge impact on my life and my character. It was years before I was “saved” when I first stumbled upon Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Richard Bach. Like Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, opened up my horizons allowing me to believe so that I could see. From a Biblical perspective there is a verse that says As a man thinks in his heart so shall he go. I think these are the same. Faith is confidence in an outcome based on belief, not necessarily physical facts as the majority perceive them.  Otherwise how can you account for miracles?
I think the first step for change to occur in your life lies in your head. What you think about, dream about, create out of nothing.  The book The Secret draws on these principles. We are not God, nor are we gods, but we are the product of God who is able to create something from nothing. I believe we are able to do that too. Religion teaches us to obey to be saved, where as Jesus taught us to let go and trust Him. Look at the time when Peter was worried they weren’t going to have money to pay the temple tax…Jesus told him to go look in the mouth of a fish. Or the feeding of the 5000 from a couple fish and 5 loaves of bread.
Change happens when you quit trying to change and start living the life that change will create. Do you dream of being so wealthy that you can give generously? Give generously and you will be that wealthy. Don’t look at change as something that happens in the future, change, once it has happened in your mind has happened, it might not have manifested quite yet, but it is on its way.
I believe that prayers are powerful and I believe that as a child of the most high God, I am a princess totally blessed, and my life bears that out.  Have you accepted the gift of salvation Jesus has made available to you? The only thing that matters is what you think of Him, not how you behave. It really is as simple as asking Him into your life. He does know you already, they way you are is not a surprise to Him. He created you that way. Accepting the Real Messiah’s gift is the greatest more life changing change that you will ever experience.
The question does come do to; change, do you want it? or do you need it?

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